I wanted to build something where all of my electronics would have a home to charge. They were scattered all over my house and getting unplugged and tossed aside.....then, of course, lost. So this is what I came up with. It came from my head so it isn't the greatest thing but it works for me.
Things I learned while building this:
1. All wood putty is not created equal...did you know that there is putty that is non-sandable and that apparently never dries...of ALL the wood putty, this is the one I got. Not sure what is going to happen with that but we shall see.
2. There is a right and a wrong way to install hinges :)
3. Holes are not easy to cut.
4. Like cake decorating, having the proper tools is key to having a decent product.
5. I am definately an ameteur.
6. I should have used 1"x8"x8' boards....so if you are building this....don't do what I did!
So here is where I started...a wooden box...I bought 2 - 1"x6"x8' to do this with.
I decided to put in a pen holder on one side and a catch all for Jeron's pocket stuff on the other side.
I put on a lid with 3 hinges to close in the power strip.
I then cut 2 holes in the side (one you can't see from here) for the power cord. I didn't want it to go out the back because then I couldn't push it up against a wall without a fight. Jeron helped me get the hole :)
I then cut out some grooves with a skill saw in the lid and slid in these dividers.
The skill saw wasn't the best tool but the only one I had here are the apartment that would work...so....
Here is where I am at now....I am going to put a front on the dividers to hold in the electronical devices. I will also drill holes in each section for the cords to go through. Then I will paint it....more pictures to come!
I know it's sad that this is the farthest I've gotten but I am a very busy lady!
I added the front peice and drilled holes of different sizes and locations depending on what I am charging in each station and the size of the plug that needs to go through the hole. Hopefully today I will paint it and will be done. Again....I should have used 8" boards instead of 6" boards...its all about trial and error for me. You will see why in my final picture....
Here it is! The finished product!
I like it! So cool! I'd love to learn more about working with wood. I want to make a bookcase/entertainment center for my living room!
Check out www.knockoffwood.blogspot.com She is awesome! And her stuff is easy to build. Try it!
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